Project Case Study

Customer: Five Guys
Industry: Restaurant
Five Guys has over 1,700 restaurants worldwide with 1,500 more currently in development
Project: Integration, rack and stack, kitting, deployment
1,400+ custom-designed, fully-sourced, built, pre-populated, packaged & delivered server cabinets
The Challenge: Create a big rack solution to fit in limited space
Space is at a premium in many restaurants. The products available in the market were not sufficient to get over this hurdle for the customer. They needed to find a rack solution that would provide enough mounting space for their entire network, but be low profile enough to fit into a tight area. Ensuring all materials arrive on-time was another hurdle. Materials for their new store builds and renovations were coming in from warehouses around country and creating a full-time job for ordering and tracking materials to the job sites.
Solution Type: Rack and stack deployment
- Developed a 42U, 24” Deep cabinet that will fit into their space and support all of the necessary equipment.
- In an effort to reduce overall ship cost and installation labor costs onsite, Kendall Howard took on the pre-installation of components into the rack before it shipped to the site. This reduced the number of packages being delivered and better insured necessary components to complete the work were onsite at the right time.
- An inventory management program for all supplied components was created to insure everything is readily available.
- A managed deployment schedule is worked on between all suppliers to better ensure products are delivered on time.